Sunday, February 8, 2009


Well it was about 10 months ago when I uttered the immortal words, "If you get to 210 pds, or under, you can buy a 4 wheeler" Well he did it, he is 67 pds lighter and a 4 wheeler richer. I am very proud of him and will post pics of him and his 4 wheeler together soon. And the only thing he says is "Not even close to what Mike lost......"This picture was taken at the radio station last year and the loverboy was a co-workers joke.
I had to take picture of the proof, I wasn't going to let him buy a 4 wheeler with out hard evidence and he had to be under 210.

These are the same clothes as in the pic, he has gone from a size 44 pants to 32. Good job honey, and PS if you get above 230 I am taking the keys away. Love you.


Harris Happenings said...

Hey--I love your blog! Way to go Harold!

Matt and Jen Smith said...

Can I come over and do my laundry on your abs?

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

laundry on the abs...I love that one! Filing it away...way to go Harold! It really is an amazing accomplishment! I love that you can post these pics and still smile. If I was to post my before and after's of a pregnancy, I guarantee, I would NOT have a smile on my face. Good JOB!