Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beautiful little Regan

The other morning we were getting ready for school and Regan always pics the hair piece she wants in her hair. I asked her what she wanted and she said, "I want to be a chicken" So this hair do is the closest I could come up with. She walked around for the rest of the day saying, "Bock, Bock".

A front shot of her "chicken" hair do. This is one of those pics I could look at all day, she is just too pretty and I am so blessed she picked our family.
This has got to be Regan's favorite thing in the whole world. It is Skyler. Skyler belongs to Papa and Grandma Cheryl. They came for a visit and she couldn't leave him alone for a second.

1 comment:

Amberly said...

She is so pretty. Good job on chicken hair, that is one request I haven't gotten yet. We have a style at our house that my girls call "mitten" hair, and I am not sure why...